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Notes Management

Published by Yasta Mardika


About Notes Management

Notes management is a web service build using laravel as the API and having purpose to used widely and easily on the system that needs note features like recipe app, planting, etcetera. This Project is a task from the interoperability course and web development course on Computer & Information System 4th Semester Curriculum. The interoperability of this web is because the API that has made and can be accessed for another website/ mobile app that need this feature. For the web development course, is from the example of implementation of this API on web build using React


  • Laravel

    • PHP framework to process the request from front-end
    • Authentication function
    • JSON web Tokens
    • To route the endpoint of the API
    • Create, Read, Update, Delete Data
  • ReactJS

    • Fronted library used on example
    • Using Axios to fetch API
    • Using localStorage to store jwt
  • PostgreSQL

    • Store and manage data
  • Github

    • Team Collaboration
  • Heroku

    • Laravel deploy (backend)
  • Firebase

    • React build deploy (frontend)

The team

Rohman, Edo, Yasta

See the live site here